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台北師專、美國州立舊金山大學、美國國際大學(U.S.I.U.)表演藝術研究所聲樂碩士(M.F.A.),先後師事張寶雲、林寬、蕭滬音、唐鎮、余紗、曾道雄、申學庸、Pr. Kathryn、Harvey、Dr. Ermen oradi、Dr. Mary Philips等教授學習歌劇、神劇、藝術歌曲演唱。

  • 美國布希總統就職慶祝音樂會中獻唱並獲頒贈「國際音樂獎」
  • 金鼎獎唱片類─最佳演唱獎及唱片出版獎得主
  • 於加拿大、英國、希臘、日本國際聲樂大賽中,榮獲二個首獎及四面金牌
  • Soprano─ Susie Chien
  • Bachelor, Taipei Municipal Normal College, Taiwan.
  • National Taipei University of Education, San Francisco State University, Master of Fine Arts(M.F.A.), School of Performing & Visual Arts (S.P.V.A.), United States International University,U.S.A. , Studied opera, oratorio, and art song performances from Bao-Yun Chang, Kuan Lin, Hu-In Hsiao, Jen Tang, Yu Sha, Dao-Xiong Zeng, Shiue- Yon Shen, Dr. Kathryn Harvey, Dr. Ermen Moradi, and Dr. Mary Philips.
  • Performed in the lnaugural Concert of President George W. Bush of the United States and also awarded International Music Prize.
  • Awarded two first prizes and four golden medals in Canada, the United Kingdom , Greece, and Japan international vocal contests.