斯羅維尼亞(Slovenia)籍指揮大師法蘭茨‧里茲瑪(Franc Rizmal)為東歐地區極富盛名的管弦樂指揮、管樂指揮、小提琴家以及音樂學院教授。
里茲瑪並曾擔任斯羅維尼亞愛樂交響樂團以及斯羅維尼亞廣播交響樂團小提琴家多年,並出任斯羅維尼亞國家警察交響樂團(Slovenia police Orchestra)、斯羅維尼亞國家陸軍樂團(Slovenia Army Orchestra and Band)等職業樂團的創辦人以及音樂總監,將樂團演奏成就推展至國際知名之藝術層級,除多次代表斯羅維尼亞國家參與歐洲各音樂節盛會,並發行出版多張演奏錄音,曲目涵蓋本國作曲家新作以及各國經典作品。
多年以來,推展斯羅維尼亞當代音樂至國際藝文世界,亦是里茲瑪教授努力不懈的目標,他曾於歐陸各國,擔綱首演多首該國作曲家作品,其中尤以作曲家Radovan Gobec, Janko Gregorc, Vassily Pashkovich等人之歌劇以及喜歌劇作品最為成功,獲得各國樂評讚賞,成果豐碩。
在文化推廣以及音樂教育方面,里茲瑪教授亦對其國家貢獻良多,擔任斯羅維尼亞國家文化基金委員會、國家青年音樂家協會、國家管樂比賽委員會等會的主席或理事多年。期間並於該國首都之國立盧布爾雅那音樂學院(College of Music in Ljubljana)任教指揮、小提琴以及室內樂等課程。
Franc Rizmal he graduated as a violinist in 1976 at the University of Vienna and as a conductor in 1983 at Graz University and continued his studies in Salzburg, Berlin, Mürzzuschlag, Lugano, Moscow and Eisenstadt.
He was the first of the first violinist of the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra and the Radio, then conductor of the orchestra and choir as well as a professor at the Central Music School.
In 1996, as conductor and artistic director designed the Slovenian Army Orchestra, which he led until 2000, after which he became the conductor and artistic director of the Slovenian Police Orchestra.
Since 2004, a professor of chamber music at the Music School in Ljubljana. As a solo violinist and conductor, he has performed and recorded at home (Slovenian Philharmonic, Symphony and Chamber Orchestra of Radio Slovenia) and abroad (Canada, Taiwanese Chamber Orchestra, Wiener Akademie, Aula Classica, etc..) He was also President of the Musical Youth of Slovenia, participated in the domestic and international juries and won several awards (Savin awards, recognition of Žalec and Musical Youth of Slovenia).